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[REVIEW] Mamonde - Moisture Hydrogel Cream

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Mamonde - Moisture Hydrogel Cream

If I could only pick two skin care items to take with me to a deserted island, it would be cleanser and moisturiser. Cleanser to wash off the dirt and oils I pick up throughout the day and moisturiser to replenish what the cleanser has stripped from my skin. So in saying that and also having skin on the drier side, I place a lot of stress on the ability of a moisturiser to keep my face hydrated. I've been trying different types of moisturisers over the years and have yet to find one to settle on, but for now, Mamonde's Moisture Hydrogel Cream is serving me fairly well.

Using my best Google Translate skills, Mamonde claims that this is a 'moisture sponge cream' with smoothing, water boosting and protecting properties.
  1. Smoothing power from 100% chemical free coconut oil.
  2. Water boosting power from hyaluronic acid and xylitol derivatives
  3. Protecting power from the antioxidant effects of tocopherols and watermelon extract.
The cream seems to be packed with a bunch of ingredients that benefit the skin, so let's see if these claims hold any truth to them.

Cost - I bought two for 16000KRW (~18AUD) when they were having a buy 1 get 1 free deal


The Korean companies definitely know what's up when it comes to packaging. This cream is no exception. It may not be super fancy or cute, but it is an attractive product which is built very sturdily. The lid is white and made of a thinner plastic than the jar, which looks like glass but seems to be a very thick plastic. This is great for taking on travels as I don't have to worry about anything shattering.

The pot of cream (50mL) is actually not as wide as the jar itself (that optical illusion) but there is enough for a few months of daily use. The royal blue coating on the inside pot gives the entire product a clean and simple feel and if you know anything about Korean skincare, then you know that blue is synonymous with hydration. So it is no wonder that I gravitated towards this moisturiser.


As aforementioned, Mamonde seems to have infused this cream with a number of ingredients that benefit the skin. I had a quick look at the ingredients list (with the assistance of Google Translate, which may not be 100% correct so I chose not to post the list) and the first ingredient is water, which is quite reassuring. I also did a little bit of research into the stand-out ingredients in the list:
  1. Coconut oil is famous for its emollient/moisturising properties, but according to CosDNA, it is also very comedogenic, meaning it has a tendency to clog pores. It's great for hydration, but probably not the best pick for those with sensitive or acne-prone skin.
  2. Hyaluronic acid is widespread in the connective, neural and epithelial tissue of our body. It has the ability to hold 1000mL of water per gram, so it's important for hydration as well as joint cushioning, anti-oxidation and anti-inflammation amongst other properties. Safe to say that this is a great addition to any skin care item.
  3. Xylitol assists in boosting levels of hyaluronic acid and also used as a humectant (retains moisture) in skin care products.
  4. Tocopherol is also known as a form of Vitamin E and is the most abundant fat-soluble antioxidant in human skin that acts to protect skin from free radicals as well as radiation and prevent ageing. It's not particularly comedogenic or irritating according to CosDNA, so that could only mean good things.
  5. Watermelon extract is a little incorrect as the actual ingredient used in the cream is watermelon seed oil. It contains high amounts of linoleic and oleic acid, which makes it light and easy to absorb. It's not as comedogenic as other oils such as mineral oil and assists with the removal of excess sebum. This is great news for those with oily skin, BUT it doesn't have the same anti-oxidant and skin protecting properties as watermelon extract.
The cream itself is white and has a light, gel texture (probably owing to a high water content). It spreads fairly easily, so I don't have to use a huge amount to cover my entire face. There's a very light, clean fragrance but even if it were stronger, I'm not one to be too bothered by scented skin care items.


This cream is very, very light, but it is more hydrating than I expected. My skin is not particularly temperamental even if it does tend towards the drier side, so I found this cream quite suitable during the summer months. Sydney has been particularly humid this summer, so I can even use it as a night cream and wake up with smooth, glowing and moisturised skin. However, I did take this for my Asia travels (mid-winter over there) and it really did not hold up. I found that my skin was constantly flaking and developed an increasingly rough texture as the day wore on, which was not pretty. It was dry to the point where I had to carry my facial mist with me and spray my face 3-4 times a day. I had a similar, but not as severe reaction during winter in Sydney as well. It did take me several months to get through a jar, which makes it quite economical, but I didn't see any particular improvement in my skin throughout the entire time.

Final Thoughts

It's cheap and very effective if used in humid weather. I definitely do not recommend this if you have very dry skin or for use during winter. The ingredients are also a little hit and miss, and probably not entirely suitable for sensitive skin.

Rating - 6/10
Repurchase - No. It's good but I feel like there's something better out there.

Thanks for reading !!

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