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[SWATCH] Essie: Ballet Slippers

Wednesday 18 May 2016

On my never-ending search for a pretty pink polish, I came across Essie's Ballet Slippers. It's been more difficult than I originally anticipated to find a decently opaque baby pink polish. Ballet Slippers seemed to be one of Essie's more popular colours and a staple in their collection, so naturally I had to go out and see for myself. Continue reading to find out if Essie's Ballet Slippers reached my expectations.

Cost - RRP AUD$16.95

  • Orly - Bonder
  • Essie - 4 coats of Ballet Slippers
  • 3CE Nail Lacquer - Top Coat


The Essie brush is thin and flexible, allowing for precise application. Ballet Slippers applies smoothly and self-levels well. I found that it was easier to apply in thinner coats and build up the opacity in that way. Overall, it applied fairly easily, as expected for a creme/jelly polish.

Colour + Finish

Ballet Slippers is a sheer creme/jelly baby pink polish, and that's all it was meant to be. It's a very flattering neutral, tending cool-toned pink that would work on most skin tones. It's a great colour for the office and would make the perfect pair with a white wedding dress.

The photos show a painstaking 4 layers with a thick coat of top coat to boot. My impatience whilst applying, meant that I didn't wait for each layer to dry completelt and so my nails became bubble central. It does dry glossy but top coat definitely gave it a better shine and kept the bubbles at bay. I recommend keeping Ballet Slippers as it was intended - a sheer polish. It's definitely not worth the blood, sweat and tears I went through to just obtain visible nail line.

Longevity + Removal

Polish tends to last around a week regardless of brand and Ballet Slippers was no exception. Removal wasn't difficult, but did take a little longer due to the four coats.

Rating: 6/10 as an opaque pink polish, but I would rate it a 9/10 sheer polish.

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